The powers that be aren’t held accountable for the health of a community if no one’s going to bat for the people in that community.
From protecting our youth against the school-to-prison pipeline, to ensuring voter engagement in our communities, these are the ways advocacy plays a role in our mission:
Publishing the State of Black New York report and other publications to shine a light on key issues.

Coming together with thought leaders, elected officials and residents to collectively strategize on initiatives that improve education and economic outcomes.
Offering training and capacity-building assistance to nonprofits serving communities of color across the city.

Educating disenfranchised New Yorkers about the importance of voting and ways to get engaged.
Hosting open discussions on pressing issues in the community.

Advocacy Initiatives
Advocacy through Leadership
Elected Official and Policy Advocates
Bi-annually, NYUL convenes thought leaders, advocates, elected officials, and residents to collectively strategize on initiatives and policies that improve education and economic outcomes.
Advocacy through Policy and Participation
Political Forums
The New York Urban League established a “Meet the Candidates” platform to provide our community with opportunities to hear from legislative candidates in town halls and roundtable discussions across the boroughs.
Census 2020
In agreement with the National Urban League, NYUL has pioneered efforts, in New York City, to bridge economic disparities through the development of programs, public policy, research, and advocacy.
Advocacy for Education
NYUL Annual Summit on Education
NYUL Summit on Education brings together practitioners from around the state to exchange best practices and develop an education agenda.
Education Bootcamp
The New York Urban League Education Policy Committee members are current and former teachers, after-school and nonprofit staff, and community members who care about the development of youth in the community.
Each year, NYUL recruits a new class of advocates for our Education Policy Committee, which hosts an intensive Education Boot Camp. Committee members learn journalistic skills to write op-eds and position statements and prepare for leadership roles inside and outside of the classroom. They graduate from the program with leadership development skills, academic connections, and a strong network of education advocates and change agents.
For more information on the New York Urban League Education Policy Committee, contact info@nyul.org.
Advocacy for Stabilization
Communities of Color Nonprofit Stabilization Fund (CCNSF)
In partnership with the Hispanic Federation, Coalition for Asian American Children and Families, New York Urban League and Asian American Federation formed an alliance, along with the Black Agency Executives, to provide capacity-building support to Black, Latino, and Asian-led community-based organizations throughout New York City’s five boroughs.